Visions of the Church


The Dionysian Sacrament

Regular meetings for members featuring immersive dives into all kinds of sacramental beverages (you might call them sacrament “flights”). Deepen your knowledge about the magic of fermentation and crop cultivation, often by hearing straight from the experts that make it all happen. We believe gaining insight about what’s in your glass deepens appreciation and gratitude for the experience as a whole, which pays fitting tribute to Dionysus.

Perfecting Fermentation

Fully equipped fermentation lab with classes on making wine, beer, kimchi, miso, dry-aged meats, and much much more! Come to learn, to serve, and to sample all of these magical creations created by Dionysus’ most-loved gift to mortals.

Dionysian Spiritual Retreats

Along with so much else, Dionysus is the god of madness- which we believe to mean altered states of consciousness that are granted to us by all manner of natural substances, enabling incredible insights and personal progress. Only recently are some of these substances starting to be legalized and scientifically studied in many countries, and the results show extreme promise (something the ancients knew about all along). Of course we must always tread within the bounds of the law as a church, so for certain substances this may mean spiritual excursions to states or territories where they are fully legal.

Community Farm Projects

Come help us craft and maintain community farms, orchards, vineyards, and apiaries! Get in touch with the land, the crops, and the cycles of death and rebirth. Reconnect with nature and personally experience these ancient crafts that feed us all. Together with the fermentation lab, this would form a perfect farm-to-bottle circle for wine, mead, cider, beer, and more!

Dionysia Restored

Ambitious though it may be, we wish to put on festivals and theatre productions to rival Dionysia of old. The Dionysia were massive ancient festivals attended by countless revelers and devotees. They featured new theatrical productions from the day’s biggest playwrights, which were then judged and a winner crowned for the year. Of course there was also music, dancing, parades, and much celebration in honor of Dionysus.

Dionysian Field Trips

The world has so much to offer. Countless different cultures have embraced and refined the gifts of Dionysus in their own way, and it’s our mission to learn about them all! Let’s visit winemakers (vintners) in both the Old World and the New. Experience the crafts of sake, miso, and soy sauce brewing in Japan. Learn about the peaty mysteries of scotch distillation in Scotland. Walk atop Dionysus’ own ancient theatre in Athens. And SO much more!

Dionysus Taverna

We want the church to be self-sustaining. This may mean indulging the cult of capitalism by operating a for-profit arm such as a bar or tavern, from which proceeds would go to support the church’s efforts. Much work and research will have to go into this to determine the right path, and we will only move forward if it promises to strengthen the church, its members, and its power to fight for Dionysian causes.

Other Great Works yet to be revealed…

(All shall be made possible through your generous tithes)