Dionysian Values


Today’s Church of Dionysus has evolved and grown to meet new challenges, much like Dionysus Himself. But the spirit remains the same.


Break the chains that bind you. (Shame. Fear. Debt. Bureaucratic late-stage capitalism. Whatever.)


Work and play are equally important. Remember balance in all things.


Don’t be afraid of different. To each their own, and to all a fair chance.


Remember, we’re always stronger together. Even the messiest karaoke session can stir harmony in the human spirit.


Parties, festivals, fetes, oh my! Any excuse to gather and spread joy.


Change is good, and all things change. Learn from the past, but don’t cling to it.


Our real wheelhouse: the Great Gift of Dionysus. (Admit it, it’s why you’re here).

We are nerds for fermentation. It is magic, it is alchemy, it is responsible for civilization as we know it. And we’re not just talking wine! Fermentation is the crucial key to so many of the best things this existence has to offer: bread, cheese, chocolate, yogurt, pickles, cured meats, miso, soy sauce, sauerkraut, kimchi, and so many more!!